In 2 Timothy 4:13, the apostle Paul wrote to his young protégé, Timothy, and said, "When you come, bring ... the books, and above all, the parchments." It would seem, then, that the aged apostle saw the relevance and importance of books.
At BCC, we also appreciate the value of a good book. To that end, our onsite library (and its online counterpart) serve as an essential resource center for a growing church with inquiring minds.
At BCC, we also appreciate the value of a good book. To that end, our onsite library (and its online counterpart) serve as an essential resource center for a growing church with inquiring minds.

Our library is named in honor of Rick & Kathy Garon, without whom BCC would (literally) not be where it is today. Their generosity, sacrificial obedience, and faithful partnership with BCC is forever recorded in the halls of eternity.
In Luke 10:27, Jesus declared, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." In other words, we are to love God with our brains, our emotions, and our actions.
In view of our Lord's words, we categorize our books under three categories: "Head, Heart, and Hands." Specific to the "head" (brains), our library includes, but is not necessarily limited to, theology, history, biographies, commentaries, and references. As it relates to the "heart" and "soul" (emotions), we offer books dedicated to personal devotions, spiritual discipline, and pastoral care. Lastly, pertaining to "hands" (actions), books on mercy ministries, care-giving, missions, evangelism, and outreach are also readily available for your edification.
In view of our Lord's words, we categorize our books under three categories: "Head, Heart, and Hands." Specific to the "head" (brains), our library includes, but is not necessarily limited to, theology, history, biographies, commentaries, and references. As it relates to the "heart" and "soul" (emotions), we offer books dedicated to personal devotions, spiritual discipline, and pastoral care. Lastly, pertaining to "hands" (actions), books on mercy ministries, care-giving, missions, evangelism, and outreach are also readily available for your edification.
We accept books from respected evangelical scholars, theologians, teachers, and churchmen in established traditions. While we accept modern books and recent publications, we champion those that have stood the test of time. To donate your books, please contact the curator.
All books showcased in our library are biblical in content and are written from an evangelical perspective and with a Christian worldview. Whether fictional, biographical, autobiographical, devotional, classical, or educational, our library promotes only those publications that foster spiritual growth and academic excellence.
All books approved for donation can be dropped off at the church premises, located at 148 Rockingham Road, Derry, NH 03038. Books being returned from check-out or exchanged for another should be deposited in the book-bin located inside the church. For further information, please contact the curator.
All books approved for donation can be dropped off at the church premises, located at 148 Rockingham Road, Derry, NH 03038. Books being returned from check-out or exchanged for another should be deposited in the book-bin located inside the church. For further information, please contact the curator.