The worship ministry at BridgeWay Christian Church (BCC) exists for the express purpose of celebrating the Lord through song, study, and sacrament while “testifying to the good news of God’s grace†(Acts 20:24). Stated differently, the chief end for which we worship corporately is to glorify the Savior through the twin-pillars of pastoral preaching and congregational singing.

Complementing the preached Word on Sunday is musical worship, which fosters an atmosphere of adoration and reverence whereby the Body of Christ can encounter God the Father reverentially through His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, complementing the musical worship is the ministry of the preached Word, which not only reveals God to us but also convicts unbelievers of their guilt, encourages believers in God’s grace, and empowers the church in such a way that it bears witness to others.
Worship sets our minds and hearts on God as we lift our voices in praise to Him for who He is and for what He has done in our lives (as well as for what He is still doing in our lives). Come join us on Sunday mornings as, together, we celebrate God, and "pour forth the fame of [His] abundant goodness and … sing aloud of [His] righteousness" (Psalm 145:7).
Worship sets our minds and hearts on God as we lift our voices in praise to Him for who He is and for what He has done in our lives (as well as for what He is still doing in our lives). Come join us on Sunday mornings as, together, we celebrate God, and "pour forth the fame of [His] abundant goodness and … sing aloud of [His] righteousness" (Psalm 145:7).
Owing to the size of our congregation and the acoustics of our sanctuary, the worship service at BCC is served well musically by a keyboard/piano and acoustic instrumentation conducted by a modest team of musicians and vocalists. Moreover, the song selection—and the accompanying music—is a blend of traditional hymnology intermixed with contemporary Christian praise and worship in compliance with CCLI copyright standards.