We believe that God is glorified through the skilled labor of those who freely give of themselves in the maintenance and upkeep of the church building.
Although a church is much more than the sum total of its walls, the Board of Trustees ensure that God's house is always in optimum condition so that “the whole structure … grows into a holy temple in the Lord" (Ephesians 2:21-22).
Although a church is much more than the sum total of its walls, the Board of Trustees ensure that God's house is always in optimum condition so that “the whole structure … grows into a holy temple in the Lord" (Ephesians 2:21-22).
The BCC Board of Trustees consists of a team of skilled workers (recruited from within our own ranks) who oversee the church grounds. In compliance with local building/security codes, they coordinate the upkeep, maintenance, and appearance of the physical grounds (both inside and out) and work strenuously to ensure that BCC both looks respectable and functions well. Faithful to their call of duty, our team of trustees are quick to make the required repairs when called upon or perform the necessary maintenance when needed, all in a collective effort to save God's money for other monetary needs within the church.

More than just a team of craftsmen, tradesmen, and laymen, the BCC Board of Trustees is also a group of givers who put into action the spiritual gifts of service and helps (Romans 12:6-7; 1 Corinthians 12:28). Among other things, they assist those members and attendees of BCC who have difficult domestic work, and for which they are incapable of performing themselves (to include, but not necessarily limited to, packing, moving, yard-work, and other menial but demanding duties).
In addition to overseeing the Parking Lot Ministry, as well as superintending the church storage trailers, the team of trustees also acts as a fellowship ministry. They meet on a monthly basis (or as facility projects demand) to conduct the affairs of the church and to enjoy fellowship, food, and comradery.
If you have a competent understanding of tools, or perhaps a working knowledge of carpentry or auto mechanics, we invite you to prayerfully consider joining our team. Put your talent and skill which God gave you to work in this vital ministry. For more information, contact the Board of Trustees.
In addition to overseeing the Parking Lot Ministry, as well as superintending the church storage trailers, the team of trustees also acts as a fellowship ministry. They meet on a monthly basis (or as facility projects demand) to conduct the affairs of the church and to enjoy fellowship, food, and comradery.
If you have a competent understanding of tools, or perhaps a working knowledge of carpentry or auto mechanics, we invite you to prayerfully consider joining our team. Put your talent and skill which God gave you to work in this vital ministry. For more information, contact the Board of Trustees.